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Digipak Research: Track List

To ensure our track list in our digipak resembled legitimate digipaks already created. To do this I looked at multiple different track lists from different artists.

This is the BADLANDS track list. It's bold and simple which is what we wanted to do with ours. It doesn't number the tracks which is common in the electro-pop genre, making it more artistic and unlike many mainstream album lists. It's accompanied by the standard legal jargon an album requires. It also has the words "BADLANDS TRACKLIST" which is rather uncommon for any track lists, from any genre, to have a title.

The track list for Hopeless Fountain Kingdom is similar to BADLANDS, except it is a little more artistic, not as simple as Halsey's first album. It still lacks the numbers, but the tracks are more spaced out than the other, taking up the back cover easily.

This is Lana Del Rey's Born To Die album track list. She comes under the same genre as Halsey but her tracklist is considerably different. For one, she has included numbers. However, they're smaller than the track names, ensuring it keep that artistic flair that electro-pop genres have for their album covers.

Lana Del Rey's album Honeymoon is different, not taking up the majority of the page. Instead sitting in the top left corner, smaller than the main image, not drawing clear attention to it at first glance. It's the first album to have an image with it, one that is more eye drawing than the tracklist itself.

Little Mix's Glory Days Platinum Edition tracklist is similar to Lana Del Rey's Born To Die in it's format; the smaller numbers and the tracks in a continuous list. It also sticks with the idea of keeping the tracks bold and simple, not using an overly fancy font.

Taylor Swift's Reputation tracklist is the most unique; having the tracks follow the shape of Swift's face. It doesn't abide by the normal track by track list or the continuous style. It's numbering is also different, being the same size as the tracks themselves but not in bold, ensuring they don't get lost in the list but also making sure they don't draw attention from the track names.

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