Editing Research: Filters and Overlays
In order to understand how filters and overlays work to create an effect on a music video, we began to look at different music videos to...
Editing Research: Use of Text
In order to create a more visual and eerie element to our music video, we decided to include some lyrics of our song within the video....
Editing Research: Transitions
In order to effectively and comfortably use transitions within our music video, we began to look at how they are used in other music...
Planning Evaluation: Question 3
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Construction: making of video and...
Planning Evaluation: Question 2
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? - MV creates atmosphere developed throughout digipak and...
Planning Evaluation: Question 1
Conventions of Electropop: - fast cut montage - unique and bold - concept, narrative based - modern and bright - light-hearted,...